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Thierry Depaulis (born 1949 in Bordeaux), prepress manager and editor, studies in History (Bordeaux University), game and playing-card collector, independant game historian mostly interested in "mind" games. Honorary Fellow and Chairman of the International Playing-Card Society, 1992 Modiano Prize (for his publications on the history of playing cards and card games), President of "Le Vieux Papier", a society devoted to the study of ephemera and other popular prints.

Select publications on the history of games:

  • Tarot, jeu et magie (exhibition catalogue), Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1984
  • Spiele von Hasardeuren -- Spiele von Bürgern: die Revolution in den Kartenspielen, in: D. Hoffmann, M. Dietrich, Geschichte auf Spielkarten. 1789-1871, Stuttgart, Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, 1987
  • Jeux de hasard sur papier: les "loteries" de salon, in: Le Vieux Papier, 1987
  • Ombre et lumière. Un peu de lumière sur l'hombre, in: The Playing-Card, XV-4, XVI-1, XVI-2, 1987
  • Maîtres cartiers strasbourgeois, in: Le Vieux Papier, 1989
  • Les cartes de la Révolution: cartes à jouer et propagande (exhibition catalogue), Issy-les-Moulineaux, Musée français de la Carte à jouer, 1989
  • Les cartes à jouer au "portrait de Paris" avant 1701, in: Le Vieux Papier, 1991
  • Les origines de la roulette, in: Homo Ludens, III, 1993
  • Les loix du jeu : bibliographie de la littérature technique de jeux de cartes en français avant 1800. Suivie d'un supplément couvrant les années 1800-1850, Paris, Cymbalum Mundi, 1994
  • Storia dei tarocchi liguri-piemontesi, in: G. Berti, M. Chiesa, T. Depaulis, Antichi tarocchi liguri-piemontesi, Torino, 1995
  • Le jeu et la loi en France sous l'Ancien Régime, in: Alte Spielverbote -- Verbotene Spiele 1564-1853, Salzburg, Institut für Spielforschung und Spielpädagogik / Casinos Austria AG, 1995
  • A Wicked Pack of Cards: The Origins of the Occult Tarot, London, Duckworth, 1996 (with Ronald Decker and Sir Michael Dummett)
  • Le lansquenet, "jeu de cartes fort commun dans les Academies de jeu, & parmy les Laquais", in: Ludica, 2, 1996
  • Histoire du bridge, Paris, Bornemann, 1997
  • Les jeux de hasard en Savoie-Piémont sous l'Ancien Régime, in: Études Savoisiennes, 4, 1995
  • Inca dice and board games, in: Board Games Studies, 1, 1998
  • Le livre du jeu de dames, Paris, Bornemann, 1999 (with Philippe Jeanneret)
  • some 45 entries about different aspects of games for the "Encyclopædia Universalis", 1999
  • La plus ancienne représentation datée de joueurs de dames (1492)", in: Board Game Studies, 7, 2004 (with Jean Simonata)
  • Cartes et cartiers dans les anciens États de Savoie (1400-1860), North Walsham, International Playing-Card Society, 2005 (IPCS Papers, 4)

75018 Paris, 130 rue Lamarck / E-mail: thierry.depaulis at free.fr

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Vernon A. Eagle born New York, 1948.
  • B.A., Mathematics, New York University, 1970.
  • M.S., Mathematics, New York University, 1972.
  • PhD, Mathematics, Rutgers University, 1978. Dissertation topic: on the vector-field problem on manifolds (algebraic and differential topology).
  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Lehigh University, 1978-1979.
  • Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Nairobi, 1979-1982.
  • Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Botswana, 1982-1984.
  • Fieldwork on biology of spiders, Kenya, Botswana, 1979-1984.
  • M.S., Journalism, Columbia University, 1985.
  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Washington and Lee University, 1985-1986.
  • Fieldwork on Mancala and other board games, Kenya, Zanzibar, Comoros, China, 1988-1997.
  • Special Student, Regional Studies - East Asia, Harvard University, 1997-1998.
  • PhD candidate, History and East Asian Languages, Harvard University, 1998-
  • Advanced Research Student, Institute on Qing History, Renmin University of China, 2000-2001.
  • Visiting Lecturer on American History and Culture, Peking University, Spring 2001.

publications on board games:

  • 1995. On Some Newly-Described Mancala Games from Yunnan Province, China, and the Definition of a Genus in the Family of Mancala Games, in: Alexander J. de Voogt, (ed.), New Approaches to Board Games Research: Asian Origins and Future Perspectives. IIAS. Leiden.
  • 1998. On a Phylogenetic Classification of Mancala Games, with some Newly Recorded Games from the 'Southern Silk Road', Yunnan Province, China. Board Games Studies vol. 1. Research School CNWS , Leiden University, Leiden.

100102 Beijing Chao Yang Qu, Guang Shun Bei Da Jie 33, A115-1-1C CHINA / E-mail: vaeagle@fas.harvard.edu

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Ulrich Schädler (* 1958), Archaeologist (Greek and Roman Archaeology, Prehistory); director of the Swiss Museum of Games (Musée Suisse du Jeu) at La Tour-de-Peilz at the Lake Geneva; member of »Iniativgruppe Königstein« for chess historical research; numerous articles in »Spielbox«, the German games magazine, and »Fachdienst Spiel«.

Select archaeological publications:

  • Ionisches und Attisches am sogenannten Erechtheion in Athen, in: Archäologischer Anzeiger 3, 1990, 361-378
  • Attizismen an ionischen Tempeln Kleinasiens, in: Istanbuler Mitteilungen 41, 1991, 265-324
  • Ikonologie und Archäologie, in: Antike und Abendland 39, 1993, 162-187
  • Begegnungen. Frankfurt und die Antike, Frankfurt am Main 1994, 2 voll. (with Ursula Mandel and Marlene Herfort-Koch)
  • Dallo scavo al museo - scavi di Pio VI nella Villa dei Quintili, in: Bollettino. Monumenti, Musei e Gallerie Pontificie 16, 1996, 287-330
  • Archäologie, Theater und Sport im Frankfurter Waldstadion, in: Stadion 23, 1997, 16-59
  • Scavi e scoperte nella Villa dei Quinitli, Catalogo dei rinvenimenti scultorei, Catalogo dei documenti d'archivio, in: La Villa dei Quintili. Fonti scritte e fonti figurate, a cura di Andreina Ricci, Roma 1998, 29-234.

Select publications on the history of games:

  • Latrunculi - ein verlorenes strategisches Brettspiel der Römer, in: Homo Ludens. Der spielende Mensch IV, Salzburg 1994, 47-67
  • XII Scripta, Alea, Tabula - New Evidence for the Roman History of "Backgammon" in: Alexander J. de Voogt (Hrsg.), New Approaches to Board Games Research, Leiden 1995, 73-98
  • Spielen mit Astragalen, in: Archäologischer Anzeiger 1, 1996, 61-73
  • Globusspiel und Himmelsschach. Brett- und Würfelspiele im Mittelalter. Darmstadt 1998
  • Gaming pieces for chess variants, in: The Chess Collector 1, 1999, 8-13
  • Damnosa alea Würfelspiel in Griechenland und Rom, in: 5000 Jahre Würfelspiel. cat. of the exhibition Salzburg (= Homo Ludens supplement) 1999, 39-58.
  • Sphären-"Schach". Zum sogenannten "astronomischen Schach" bei al-Mas'udi, al-Amoli und Alfons X., in: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften 13, 1999/2000, 205-242
  • Latrunculi - a forgotten Roman game of strategy reconstructed, in: Abstract Games 7, 2001, p. 10-11.

Postal Address: Dr. Ulrich Schädler, Musée Suisse du Jeu, Au Château, CH-1814 La Tour-de-Peilz e-mail: u.schaedler@museedujeu.com

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Alex de Voogt, Psychologist/Area Studies; studies in cognition of experts and dispersal of board games; initiator of the 1995 and 1997 Colloquium 'Board Games in Academia' at Leiden University; fieldwork studies on board games in Zanzibar, Namibia, Madagascar, Barbados, Sri Lanka and the Maledives in addition to various museum collection studies.

Select publications on board games research:

  • Limits of the Mind: towards a characterisation of Bao mastership Research School CNWS: Leiden. (also Ph.D.-thesis) 1995.
  • Changing objects: aesthetic qualities of mancala boards In: Museum Anthropology V.20:3. Council of Museum Anthropology: Arlington. 1996.
  • Distribution of Mancala Board Games: a methodological investigation. Journal of Board Games Studies 2, Leiden. 1999.
  • Mancala Board Games. British Museum Press: London. 1997.
  • Moves in mind: the psychology of board games with F.Gobet and J. Retschitzki Psychology Press, Hove UK. 2004.
  • A question of excellence: a century of African masters. Africa World Press, Trenton NJ. 2005

Select popular publications:

  • Foreword. In: The Complete Mancala Games Book. Marlowe and Company: New York. 1999.
  • Going Full Circle. The Geographical, London. 1998/December.
  • Seeded Players. Natural History Magazine. New York. 1998/January.

Postal Address: Okeghemstraat 10-2, 1075 PM Amsterdam, e-mail: a.j.de.voogt@let.leidenuniv.nl

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